Thank you so much for your comment. I am certainly not an expert of this technology. It is fascinating. I am grateful that I can do the Live Blood to see what is actually happening. I also am not a great researcher, I don't have a lot of time because my Naturopathic practice is busy. Please connect with me again. Take care.
i am an expert that even sabrina wallace refers to and frankly the research whether dr robert young/ tony pantalleresco/ariyana love - you will make these conditions worse. this page was sent to me to assess & use of drugs combined with any rife scalar is a NO NO-and violates the basis to QBS CBS training 101. tesla phoresis to stealth interdimensional and off planet MIC bioweapons are being used and you will not see the whole picture on live LBC or dried coagulation NO spooky 2 should ever be used and experimenting on vxxed in their presence is questionable with contact vaxxinosis bio weapons..
I appreciate your comment. I am open to anything and anyone about this subject. We are all working with uncharted territory here. I run a busy Naturopathic Practice and I do the best I can with research. I don't hire others to do my research, I do it myself. If you have actual proof of the damage of Spooky 2, please share links that actually will open up. Thanks.
Paulette, I've been using Spooky2 equipment for almost 3-years with impressive success. Using Spooky2 Central/plasma I was able to eliminate prostate cancer (confirmed by biopsy) and have used the Central unit to rid my body of parasites and greatly improve sudden onset arthritis and inflammation. You are on the right track. I am running nearly same programs (I have 4-GXPro generators) via remote and have noticed improved energy and an overall further inflammation reduction especially noted with knees, ankles hands and elbows. I appreciate your sharing of information especially images of live blood. Keep up the good work.
I am intrigued by your statement, " tesla phoresis to stealth interdimensional and off planet MIC bioweapons are being used". Can you please share more? I intuit, both from all of the findings under the scopes as well as listening to Klaus Vella, et al, that the tech being used against us is is demonic, interdimensional, and worse.
I have a young friend from the Sabrina Psinergy Telegram who says this about that:
"I believe and operate as if there is a Demon God Species of Super Cosmic Trans-dimensional Parasites invading our local Multiversal Cluster."
yes, that is close- she and ryan veli/tony pantalleresco all talk about this aspect. it cloaks and comes back-sneaky- programmable and sentient AI IA.. see my rumble interviews search
Hi Sarah. I’m a total noob at Spooky2, even though I’ve had 4 generators w scalar, as well as Berkana Lab’s remedy maker since 2015.
Would you be willing to connect for a bit of one on one to help me with getting a Lyme program up and running? I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the complexity of it!
It has belt loops to use a belt and put it around you. I only used it the first time because all these programs are long and I couldn't sit there all that time. That is why I went to using the remote.
I am not sure, the PowerWaves support team are really nice and prompt at responding. I do know that it is delicate and the coil in there could get bent. Honestly, I am not sure because the first time I used it, it blew apart the hydrogel filaments. It is very powerful and I am sure I can find something to use it on. Again, the problem is the length of these programs, I am too busy, can't sit there that long. I love that all I have to do is sleep and the generator is clearing my blood.
Paulette I wasn't asking about the names of frequency programs but of the actual frequencies themselves. I can recreate them with my equipment for myself and others.
Kindly edit to magnetic not magic carpet. If I am incorrect, my apologies but I didn't find a product named magic carpet on that website. Please share a bit more about this product. Thank you.
That is so weird. I swear I always saw magic. But looking back at my emails with Power-waves, it is magnetic. Thank you for catching my error. I really appreciate it.
This is excellent Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so pleased there is hope. Are you running all of these programmes on one remote or on separate remotes ? Are you using any other spooky2 equipment?
I have the digitizer, the PEMF and the device called "Magic Carpet" developed by PowerWaves, but I am only running one remote at night with several people's nail clipplings and my dog's clippings being treated at the same time. I only run it for one session for my dog, then I take her nail clipping out and continue throughout the night for the rest of us. I run all those programs together and I changed the dwell to 50. Total time on the program is 1 hour 42 minutes then it just repeats all night. I wake up, take my blood and see if it's clear. It is :)
Thankyou Paulette. This is great information clearly explained. On Telegram In the QuantaLab group (where we
frequency sound files are shared for DIY healing), and in
the Spooky2 Unofficial Users Group....where there has been
a great discussion around this topic. So many of us wounded souls are trying to learn how to heal ourselves and our animals using quantum entanglement, frequency, sound, colour etc. Complex stuff to grasp particularly when one is weakened
and the brain is foggy. Your findings using your dark field microscope are very helpful. As some of us Spooky2 users were concerned as to whether frequencies could activate synthetic nanotech. Celeste Solum of the has done years of research into synthetic biology too.
Yes, I was concerned because, Dr. Ana Mihalcea keeps sharing information about how they are using frequency against us and I was concerned it would give the quantum dots the frequency they needed. So it was an experiment but it worked. Yes having the dark field microscope is crucial. Thanks for your comment.
Exactly, Paulette, I have been very concerned that the Spooky2 frequencies would make things worse for me. I bought the Scalar and 4 x Genx machines and attachments to keep our family here, animals and home in good health. I have no medical training. It was torture to figure out how to use it,
and the manuals etc were incomprensible. Last two years I sort
of got it going to do terrain detoxes and biofeedback scans.
Orginally I have had bought the cheaper and portable MicroGen, but it didn't do biofeeback.
However Spooky2 community and all involved are very very slow to admit this smart dust, nanobot phenomena for two years I was silenced....on forums etc. John White who developed this lives in China and is not speaking of this.
I kept seeking and bought tuning forks. And experimented with several other modalities.....
Then working with a New Zealand woman to help my fragile wonky health....learnt about the Genius. From Insighthealth apps....
This uses bioresance of voice and picture to create tailorised
frequencies to rebalance etc. Also you can generate your own frequency libraries. Again I found the training incomprehsible...despite spending hours watching training video. Klanmother Karen, a brilliant and whacky nurse in Canada has been achieving amazing results with this. So me and hubby use this best I have figured out.
Karen did a show with Dr Robert Young using dark field miscrosopy showing before and after results of blood cells.
Very impressive results.
So I sensed that frequencies could be used to elimate this nano tech out of my body.
I watched some of his videos....he has been speaking out out this for years...and ignored.....he too is whachy and I find him very difficult to understand....but my gut trusts him.
He said though that like Dr Ana Mihalcea frequencies will energise the nanotech and exaserbate the situation.
So again I was concerned....not wishing to make things work....but chemtrailed heavily day and night, and more and more 5G towers going up around me. (I live on the Mizen peninsula, very sparsely populated, mostly cattle and sheep.
Yet our local village has 14 street cameras, the harmful LED lighting and 3 telecoms masts with 5G, 4G and 4G. The harm to
birds, insects, animals and trees is visible.
Most are asleep as the water is fluoridated as is all tap water in Ireland. (we have our own deep well, and Grander water technology to harmonise it)
Meanwhile I have been busy studying Biogeometry....see Ibrahim Karim BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. ancient Eyptian knowledge and Radisathesis combined to harmonise incoherent energy. In Switzerland using the techniques and tools he eliminated all negative health harms from the people and creatures in two villages. And numerous other scientific studies done in Egypt. Where it is studied up to PHD level.
Biogeometry works with all those energies around us. Hidden Reality: The BioGeometry Physics of Quality
I learnt enough to protect our home and shield us form harmful emissions of EMF and electricity etc. Still very much learning.
Anyway again this whole community chose to ignore the wilful harming of all life with this nano tech, smart dust etc. So that all life is being changed from a human being to a biohybrid machine....we are in the middle of this...
Sabrina, long long story, explains the Internet of Bodies and how we are all being used and experimented on by technology, this has crept in over the years. The final straw was the world wide getting needles in arms campaign...and once that was done those people would 'vaccinate' the rest with shedding.
Quantalab a group on Telegram is creating sound files for free for any ailment you can imagine and people are getting great results and it is Free.
Mark Steele, UK and Barry Crowthers, UK both involved with the development of this frequency based weaponry have been talking out for years. Dr Reiner Fullmich did two interviews the Barry Crowthers now in his 80s. Maria Zeee interviewed Mark Steele.
Telegram has been where links appear to all of the above.
All of these people have been harmed by what is happening,
and have been brave enough to share what they know...and are discredited by the powers that shouldn't be and don't have slick marketing behind them.
Finally Celeste Solum has done decades of work in this area
Bottom line even those awake just can't comprehend the evil and deviousness we have been swimming in for decades. So many
are so naive and brainwashed they are unwilling/unable to allow this information in.
Only my own living death experience enabled me to grasp this. My three children, my two grandchildren, every relation, everyone I used to know is blind to what is going on. They accept their poor health, cancers, chronic ailments etc.
Sorry this is so long Paulette, but somehow your posts here feel like you have dropped a stone into the water and rippling out are all sorts of connections. As we figure out the solution to thriving in good health. And reclaim our power as men and women. And protect our children and grandchildren and all life on earth.
Still the question remains do frequencies destroy or energise nanotech in the human body.
I can say that were definitely less nanotech in my blood after doing the full protocol. It works best with the Morgellons frequencies in there too. Here is some good information from Shawn Paul Melville, a great researcher.
I have been on to SPM for almost 2 years. He holds nothing back! How did you determine the frequency of luciferase? Do you also run the substances that counteract it like schizandra & cinnamaldehyde?
If you’ve read most of his posts, he’s really concerned about the CCR5 gene mutation caused by many of the childhood jabs that enables uptake of all of this nanotechnology in the first place.
Hi Paulette, I'm new to your Substack, retired Environmental Toxicologist, been following Dr. Ana, Karl C., David Nixon, Matt j.o.a.b., Sam, etc.. Getting certified in LBA beginning of August incl. a custom made scope. So I'm totally new to the frequency treatment genre, I'm trying to interpret this post and all the comments. Am I to understand that the "exact details" are all "programs" run using "Spooky2 XM Remote" system? I'm very excited by what I see so far. But, being a toxicologist, I am concerned about making sure I excrete all the "residuals" generated from the various frequency treatments. Given you've dropped all supplements (seen others post about how supp. can actually make nanotech in blood WORSE), can you provide me with a quick short list of what I should take orally during these treatments? I'm assuming EDTA is a given. Are there any "natural" chelators that you think are effective (e.g. vit C, onion, garlic, cinnamaldehyde, etc.?) Thanks, so glad I found you!
Hi, thanks for connecting. Great you are learning LBA. Yes, the list of programs I am using is keeping my blood clear. I created a program out of those programs and lowered the "Dwell" (It's in the save program button) to have the total program run time be less than 4 hours so that it will run at least 4 full times in a 24 hour period. I decided to go back on some supplements like B6, because my body just needs it and it didn't change the look of my blood by adding it back in. I am not a fan of EDTA, I only used it the first time after listening to Dr. Ana, it caused a great amount of GI inflammation in the dried blood analysis for me so I don't recommend it all. I have used activated charcoal, chlorella, Fulvic acid and Humic extract for binders. I am a fan of Hawthorne and Nattokinase Pro supplement to help get rid of sticky blood. The Nattokinase Pro has the soy taken out of it, I am not a fan of soy either. Good luck with your LBA classes. Take care.
Thanks Paulette. Please can I ask where you got the programmes that are specific for this ie snake venom, luciferase, morgellons etc? I can't find them on the standard spooky pre-sets.
I looked in the software of my frequency generator and I couldn't find EDTA. I did this because the generator will emulate a substance but it's not in my software that I can find. I appreciate your comment but I went to PubChem and saw the EDTA, but honestly, not sure what to do with the information in regards to the frequency generator. As I said, I am just beginning to learn this type of frequency treatments. If you have more guidance about that, I am open to what you have to share. thanks
you can put the edta formula in "file" "create program" in brackets like this [C10H16N2O8] and name it set the dwell time and then use the emulate shell to use it
Paulette, I was wondering why you changed the dwell to 50?
What you using to view your blood?
I have a lot of the spooky2 equipment. I know the remote is good but have you thought about using the plasma or cold laser ?
I am going to run these programs as well for my family. We don't have a microscope to check our blood to see any differences. What do you recommend for this?
Thank you for sharing Paulette and look forward to further updates. Do you have any earlier videos of your blood? It certainly looks good now. All important information.
Paulette seems we are on the same frequency :) What ten frequencies would you run to eleiminate the quantum dots? I have a Hulda Clark 800 professional... I can program any combination you select... I run the Solfeggio Frequencies while working 528Hz improves my blood..RR
Alot pf what you are doing is not good, reason being they have proven that any electric based device frequency spooky will make the na technology grow rapidly especially in the brain. Edta ys it works to detox graphine so does nac ,make sure you research the people that are giving this info. We have cia fbi perps trying to make people get worse. Prayers.
Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm about to become a certified Spooky2 trainer, so this was valuable information.
Thank you so much for your comment. I am certainly not an expert of this technology. It is fascinating. I am grateful that I can do the Live Blood to see what is actually happening. I also am not a great researcher, I don't have a lot of time because my Naturopathic practice is busy. Please connect with me again. Take care.
i am an expert that even sabrina wallace refers to and frankly the research whether dr robert young/ tony pantalleresco/ariyana love - you will make these conditions worse. this page was sent to me to assess & use of drugs combined with any rife scalar is a NO NO-and violates the basis to QBS CBS training 101. tesla phoresis to stealth interdimensional and off planet MIC bioweapons are being used and you will not see the whole picture on live LBC or dried coagulation NO spooky 2 should ever be used and experimenting on vxxed in their presence is questionable with contact vaxxinosis bio weapons..
I appreciate your comment. I am open to anything and anyone about this subject. We are all working with uncharted territory here. I run a busy Naturopathic Practice and I do the best I can with research. I don't hire others to do my research, I do it myself. If you have actual proof of the damage of Spooky 2, please share links that actually will open up. Thanks.
Paulette, I've been using Spooky2 equipment for almost 3-years with impressive success. Using Spooky2 Central/plasma I was able to eliminate prostate cancer (confirmed by biopsy) and have used the Central unit to rid my body of parasites and greatly improve sudden onset arthritis and inflammation. You are on the right track. I am running nearly same programs (I have 4-GXPro generators) via remote and have noticed improved energy and an overall further inflammation reduction especially noted with knees, ankles hands and elbows. I appreciate your sharing of information especially images of live blood. Keep up the good work.
Hello Karen.
I am intrigued by your statement, " tesla phoresis to stealth interdimensional and off planet MIC bioweapons are being used". Can you please share more? I intuit, both from all of the findings under the scopes as well as listening to Klaus Vella, et al, that the tech being used against us is is demonic, interdimensional, and worse.
I have a young friend from the Sabrina Psinergy Telegram who says this about that:
"I believe and operate as if there is a Demon God Species of Super Cosmic Trans-dimensional Parasites invading our local Multiversal Cluster."
yes, that is close- she and ryan veli/tony pantalleresco all talk about this aspect. it cloaks and comes back-sneaky- programmable and sentient AI IA.. see my rumble interviews search
Do you think that Tony’s devices have the capacity to disrupt? Especially his fan and coil setups?
This SubStacker micronaut/remote viewer Sam has done some serious deep diving into the multidimensional quantum nature of the tech.
Here’s a link to her stack:
And an interesting quantum-based solution:
as he said NOT for use on VAXX and will disable or pCR- just trying on some pureblood
She uses Tony’s magnet fan with a bifilar copper coil as the disruptive background to her experiments and has had success in stopping replication.
Yes . Please list a few links . Nothing to find in Google . 🔗 thx
Hi Sarah. I’m a total noob at Spooky2, even though I’ve had 4 generators w scalar, as well as Berkana Lab’s remedy maker since 2015.
Would you be willing to connect for a bit of one on one to help me with getting a Lyme program up and running? I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the complexity of it!
Hi yes, you can contact me at
Thank you so much!
Paulette, what is the EDTA that you are referring to? I am interested in the thought concepts you mentioned.. I believe this is affecting people!
I'm now running these programs in the remote. I think you may have changed the dwell .05 ..instead of 50.
I may also try to do some sessions with the spooky2 central using plasma.
Thank you for sharing this is so valuable
Quicksilver has a liposomal EDTA. I can provide for you, if you like.
How is the magnetic carpet used? Lay in it, put your feet on it, put nail clippings on it?
It has belt loops to use a belt and put it around you. I only used it the first time because all these programs are long and I couldn't sit there all that time. That is why I went to using the remote.
Thank you!
Could it be worn around you at night while sleeping?
And if you go by “remote” does that mean you really didn’t need the magnet carpet?
I am not sure, the PowerWaves support team are really nice and prompt at responding. I do know that it is delicate and the coil in there could get bent. Honestly, I am not sure because the first time I used it, it blew apart the hydrogel filaments. It is very powerful and I am sure I can find something to use it on. Again, the problem is the length of these programs, I am too busy, can't sit there that long. I love that all I have to do is sleep and the generator is clearing my blood.
I would be interested in the frequencies you are using..Thankyou@
The frequency programs are listed in Part 4 of quantum dots and also my newest post.
Paulette I wasn't asking about the names of frequency programs but of the actual frequencies themselves. I can recreate them with my equipment for myself and others.
There are thousands of frequencies. Too many to list here
Kindly edit to magnetic not magic carpet. If I am incorrect, my apologies but I didn't find a product named magic carpet on that website. Please share a bit more about this product. Thank you.
That is so weird. I swear I always saw magic. But looking back at my emails with Power-waves, it is magnetic. Thank you for catching my error. I really appreciate it.
This is excellent Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so pleased there is hope. Are you running all of these programmes on one remote or on separate remotes ? Are you using any other spooky2 equipment?
I have the digitizer, the PEMF and the device called "Magic Carpet" developed by PowerWaves, but I am only running one remote at night with several people's nail clipplings and my dog's clippings being treated at the same time. I only run it for one session for my dog, then I take her nail clipping out and continue throughout the night for the rest of us. I run all those programs together and I changed the dwell to 50. Total time on the program is 1 hour 42 minutes then it just repeats all night. I wake up, take my blood and see if it's clear. It is :)
Thankyou Paulette. This is great information clearly explained. On Telegram In the QuantaLab group (where we
frequency sound files are shared for DIY healing), and in
the Spooky2 Unofficial Users Group....where there has been
a great discussion around this topic. So many of us wounded souls are trying to learn how to heal ourselves and our animals using quantum entanglement, frequency, sound, colour etc. Complex stuff to grasp particularly when one is weakened
and the brain is foggy. Your findings using your dark field microscope are very helpful. As some of us Spooky2 users were concerned as to whether frequencies could activate synthetic nanotech. Celeste Solum of the has done years of research into synthetic biology too.
Yes, I was concerned because, Dr. Ana Mihalcea keeps sharing information about how they are using frequency against us and I was concerned it would give the quantum dots the frequency they needed. So it was an experiment but it worked. Yes having the dark field microscope is crucial. Thanks for your comment.
Exactly, Paulette, I have been very concerned that the Spooky2 frequencies would make things worse for me. I bought the Scalar and 4 x Genx machines and attachments to keep our family here, animals and home in good health. I have no medical training. It was torture to figure out how to use it,
and the manuals etc were incomprensible. Last two years I sort
of got it going to do terrain detoxes and biofeedback scans.
Orginally I have had bought the cheaper and portable MicroGen, but it didn't do biofeeback.
However Spooky2 community and all involved are very very slow to admit this smart dust, nanobot phenomena for two years I was silenced....on forums etc. John White who developed this lives in China and is not speaking of this.
I kept seeking and bought tuning forks. And experimented with several other modalities.....
Then working with a New Zealand woman to help my fragile wonky health....learnt about the Genius. From Insighthealth apps....
This uses bioresance of voice and picture to create tailorised
frequencies to rebalance etc. Also you can generate your own frequency libraries. Again I found the training incomprehsible...despite spending hours watching training video. Klanmother Karen, a brilliant and whacky nurse in Canada has been achieving amazing results with this. So me and hubby use this best I have figured out.
Karen did a show with Dr Robert Young using dark field miscrosopy showing before and after results of blood cells.
Very impressive results.
So I sensed that frequencies could be used to elimate this nano tech out of my body.
Having dealt with Morgellons in myself in 2012 when I came across
I watched some of his videos....he has been speaking out out this for years...and ignored.....he too is whachy and I find him very difficult to understand....but my gut trusts him.
He said though that like Dr Ana Mihalcea frequencies will energise the nanotech and exaserbate the situation.
So again I was concerned....not wishing to make things work....but chemtrailed heavily day and night, and more and more 5G towers going up around me. (I live on the Mizen peninsula, very sparsely populated, mostly cattle and sheep.
Yet our local village has 14 street cameras, the harmful LED lighting and 3 telecoms masts with 5G, 4G and 4G. The harm to
birds, insects, animals and trees is visible.
Most are asleep as the water is fluoridated as is all tap water in Ireland. (we have our own deep well, and Grander water technology to harmonise it)
Meanwhile I have been busy studying Biogeometry....see Ibrahim Karim BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. ancient Eyptian knowledge and Radisathesis combined to harmonise incoherent energy. In Switzerland using the techniques and tools he eliminated all negative health harms from the people and creatures in two villages. And numerous other scientific studies done in Egypt. Where it is studied up to PHD level.
Biogeometry works with all those energies around us. Hidden Reality: The BioGeometry Physics of Quality
I learnt enough to protect our home and shield us form harmful emissions of EMF and electricity etc. Still very much learning.
Anyway again this whole community chose to ignore the wilful harming of all life with this nano tech, smart dust etc. So that all life is being changed from a human being to a biohybrid machine....we are in the middle of this...
Sabrina, long long story, explains the Internet of Bodies and how we are all being used and experimented on by technology, this has crept in over the years. The final straw was the world wide getting needles in arms campaign...and once that was done those people would 'vaccinate' the rest with shedding.
Quantalab a group on Telegram is creating sound files for free for any ailment you can imagine and people are getting great results and it is Free.
Mark Steele, UK and Barry Crowthers, UK both involved with the development of this frequency based weaponry have been talking out for years. Dr Reiner Fullmich did two interviews the Barry Crowthers now in his 80s. Maria Zeee interviewed Mark Steele.
Telegram has been where links appear to all of the above.
All of these people have been harmed by what is happening,
and have been brave enough to share what they know...and are discredited by the powers that shouldn't be and don't have slick marketing behind them.
Finally Celeste Solum has done decades of work in this area
Bottom line even those awake just can't comprehend the evil and deviousness we have been swimming in for decades. So many
are so naive and brainwashed they are unwilling/unable to allow this information in.
Only my own living death experience enabled me to grasp this. My three children, my two grandchildren, every relation, everyone I used to know is blind to what is going on. They accept their poor health, cancers, chronic ailments etc.
Sorry this is so long Paulette, but somehow your posts here feel like you have dropped a stone into the water and rippling out are all sorts of connections. As we figure out the solution to thriving in good health. And reclaim our power as men and women. And protect our children and grandchildren and all life on earth.
Still the question remains do frequencies destroy or energise nanotech in the human body.
I can say that were definitely less nanotech in my blood after doing the full protocol. It works best with the Morgellons frequencies in there too. Here is some good information from Shawn Paul Melville, a great researcher.
yesterday, I ran all day the, Luciferase remove program.
I have been on to SPM for almost 2 years. He holds nothing back! How did you determine the frequency of luciferase? Do you also run the substances that counteract it like schizandra & cinnamaldehyde?
If you’ve read most of his posts, he’s really concerned about the CCR5 gene mutation caused by many of the childhood jabs that enables uptake of all of this nanotechnology in the first place.
Frequencies can stimulate nanotechnology.
Thank you for such details and for sharing your extraordinary results. I'd like to duplicate your work. Which preset did you use?
Empty shell>Remote>Universal H Bomb
I also used Remove but the results weren't as good.
Hi Paulette, I'm new to your Substack, retired Environmental Toxicologist, been following Dr. Ana, Karl C., David Nixon, Matt j.o.a.b., Sam, etc.. Getting certified in LBA beginning of August incl. a custom made scope. So I'm totally new to the frequency treatment genre, I'm trying to interpret this post and all the comments. Am I to understand that the "exact details" are all "programs" run using "Spooky2 XM Remote" system? I'm very excited by what I see so far. But, being a toxicologist, I am concerned about making sure I excrete all the "residuals" generated from the various frequency treatments. Given you've dropped all supplements (seen others post about how supp. can actually make nanotech in blood WORSE), can you provide me with a quick short list of what I should take orally during these treatments? I'm assuming EDTA is a given. Are there any "natural" chelators that you think are effective (e.g. vit C, onion, garlic, cinnamaldehyde, etc.?) Thanks, so glad I found you!
Hi, thanks for connecting. Great you are learning LBA. Yes, the list of programs I am using is keeping my blood clear. I created a program out of those programs and lowered the "Dwell" (It's in the save program button) to have the total program run time be less than 4 hours so that it will run at least 4 full times in a 24 hour period. I decided to go back on some supplements like B6, because my body just needs it and it didn't change the look of my blood by adding it back in. I am not a fan of EDTA, I only used it the first time after listening to Dr. Ana, it caused a great amount of GI inflammation in the dried blood analysis for me so I don't recommend it all. I have used activated charcoal, chlorella, Fulvic acid and Humic extract for binders. I am a fan of Hawthorne and Nattokinase Pro supplement to help get rid of sticky blood. The Nattokinase Pro has the soy taken out of it, I am not a fan of soy either. Good luck with your LBA classes. Take care.
Hawthorne? Supplier? Thanks again!
I like the supplement Crataegus from MarcoPharma. But it has to be Dr. prescribed. You can find Hawthorne at health food stores. Liquid is better
Thanks Paulette. Please can I ask where you got the programmes that are specific for this ie snake venom, luciferase, morgellons etc? I can't find them on the standard spooky pre-sets.
All those programs are in the programs tab.
Super. Thanks Paulette.
You can also use a frequency for EDTA you can find it on pubchem and create a custom program with the formula
I looked in the software of my frequency generator and I couldn't find EDTA. I did this because the generator will emulate a substance but it's not in my software that I can find. I appreciate your comment but I went to PubChem and saw the EDTA, but honestly, not sure what to do with the information in regards to the frequency generator. As I said, I am just beginning to learn this type of frequency treatments. If you have more guidance about that, I am open to what you have to share. thanks
you can put the edta formula in "file" "create program" in brackets like this [C10H16N2O8] and name it set the dwell time and then use the emulate shell to use it you can also copy paste the M formulas in the create program, each followed by a comma
Yea, I am still learning how to create programs. Thanks for this info.
no prob you're welcome!
I looked for a frequency for EDTA and could not find it. Would you please share it for us?
I could not find it, means I don't have it.
Paulette, I was wondering why you changed the dwell to 50?
What you using to view your blood?
I have a lot of the spooky2 equipment. I know the remote is good but have you thought about using the plasma or cold laser ?
I am going to run these programs as well for my family. We don't have a microscope to check our blood to see any differences. What do you recommend for this?
The dwell was 50 from 180
Thank you for sharing Paulette and look forward to further updates. Do you have any earlier videos of your blood? It certainly looks good now. All important information.
I would be happy to. I will get some together and post them.
Which version of the Spooky2 software are you using ?
20230831. Thanks for connecting.
It's thousands of frequencies, I am sorry but too many to list here. I would recommend you buy a XM spooky 2, right now with the remote, it's 150$.
They all run as programs, I don't run anything individually.
perhaps learning of tony pantalleresco and his warnings of EDTA and SPOOKY2 damage
Paulette seems we are on the same frequency :) What ten frequencies would you run to eleiminate the quantum dots? I have a Hulda Clark 800 professional... I can program any combination you select... I run the Solfeggio Frequencies while working 528Hz improves my blood..RR
Alot pf what you are doing is not good, reason being they have proven that any electric based device frequency spooky will make the na technology grow rapidly especially in the brain. Edta ys it works to detox graphine so does nac ,make sure you research the people that are giving this info. We have cia fbi perps trying to make people get worse. Prayers.