Recent dilemma in my blood work resolved again with frequency
With Spooky2 not just a rife machine.
I recently posted a comment on
post where he stated that Rife frequency was making things worse. I had shared that recently, I took a plane ride, went to an event where there were more than 100 people in the room all vaccinated. Came home and took my blood and it was full of hydrogel filaments. Disappointment overcame me, so I began trying to figure out why when before the Spooky 2 programs I had been running were working. Looking into it, I realized that I had forgot to add Detox Plastics, PEG removal and Chemtrail detox. I ran the spooky2 the whole time I was gone which was 4 days. After realizing as I just said, it didn’t work, I made the changes to the Spooky2 programs and started the frequency treatments again. Here is how long it had ran before I looked at my blood today.As you can see, it ran for 181+ hours. The programs of hydrogel, etc. , the top highlighted line is the combo programs I have mentioned before and I will list again at the bottom of this post. In Spooky2, you can not run a program over 4 hours. All the programs I am running added to more than 7 hours, that doesn’t work, so we save the program and we change the dwell to a lower number to get the time down. As you can see on the very top, the whole program ended up 1 hour 55 min. Again, all that ran for 181 hours. In pulling my blood this morning, pleased that there were no more giant filaments in my blood. There was one tiny one. I will show the photo’s and video’s but I am having trouble with my camera a bit so there is glare. Here are the photo’s;
This one is a video overview with a 4X objective:
Here is a 40X view, there are some things I am not happy about, like uric acid and some thrombocyte aggregation, I am unfortunately dehydrated.
The thrombocyte aggregation which is new;
This is the only filament I found:
Here are all the other photo’s I took;

So here are the programs on Spooky2 that I am running;
Luciferase Enzyme Remove
Snake Venom/Covid Vax and Graphene Oxide-Remove Only
Blood Purification (Bio)
Blood Purification (Xtra)
Detox Heavy Metals 1,2,4
Blood Plasma Purification
Morgellons (general)
Detox Chemtrail 1-3
Detox Lymph
Detox EMF
Plastics Detox
Detox Plastics 2
Morgellons skin itch
Snake Venom-PEG/Polyethylene Glycol Remove
Detox Assist
Detox 4 Toxins throughout the body
If you want to know what all these frequencies are, upload the spooky2 software and it will give them all to you. There are many.
I started running the frequencies you recommended for about a week so far. I looked at my blood and it looks AMAZING! The best its looked so far!! I’m thrilled and thought I’d mention it!
I think also Simian Virus 40 needs to be added to the list since they admitted it was in the jab and it causes cancer