I started running the frequencies you recommended for about a week so far. I looked at my blood and it looks AMAZING! The best its looked so far!! I’m thrilled and thought I’d mention it!

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Thank you for letting me know.

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I haven't looked at my blood yet but my symptoms dropped about 75%! I have a GenX and been running your protocols on both generators. Thank you!

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What do you use to look at your blood? Can you provide the link to a microscope you use?

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It’s just the basic darkfield microscope from amscope. It was like $450. There’s good cheap bright field microscopes that work well too. Let me look for the link and I’ll post it in a bit.

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Would LOVE to know what microscope to get as well...

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Thanks so much!! Do they provide slides and other necessities?

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I think also Simian Virus 40 needs to be added to the list since they admitted it was in the jab and it causes cancer

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Thanks, I will look into it.

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Which treatment you use against covidspikes?

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All the programs I use with the frequency treatments are listed at the end of the post. "recent dilemma ...."

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Will you sell me a spooky 2 with all the programs set up on it so that it is plug and play for a technologically retarded person like myself.? I will pay any extra cost. And I will become a paid subscriber.

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Yes, I am happy to help you. Please call me at 720-581-1804

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I have run the programmes three times, initially just one cycle, with no detox reaction. I left it a couple of days, then ran the presets again, this time doubling up (over 128 hours), then stopped it. This time, I had three days of die-or-rea and feeling lethargic, so it appears to work to clean the body up. I don't have a microscope, so I'm hoping that my blood has improved.

I've run all diiferent kinds of programmes on my Rife and I know that I've eperienced deto symptoms in a way which doesn't make me feel awful, so the frequencies I've used are etremely beneficial as I battle getting rid of toins, including Nickel, Gadolinium and other heavy metals. It's great to know that I can run some programmes, as per your great advice that can help clean up my blood of other nasty stuff.

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Again, thank you again very, very much! This is the first good news I have found on the substacks that does not involve expensive gadgets and promises to give good results without using complex and complicated treTments.

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I don’t know if anyone here is following a fellow SubStacker named @electrostasis (aka Brandon Iglesias), but he is having great success with nano disruption using Rifing with a pulsed square wave with a leading edge.

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I am using the universal square bomb with the programs I am running.

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Did you get an answer?

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I don't know what question you are referring to.

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Okay, so you’re not aware of Directed Energy Weapons. I see what my problem is going to be. Thank you!

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I am aware but I don't have blinders that it is the only problem. As a Naturopath, I try to look for all possibilities. Are you sleeping under a protection sheet and a hood for your head?

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I got a Faraday beanie, the rest is in the mail. I was really caught off guard. I had no idea about the China/CIA MK Ultra Torture Programs going on in the US.

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Yes, it sucks. I was thinking about our conversation here and I remembered that a patient was having this very similar issue and we found that she was having an IgA immune reaction to some foods. We put her on Quercetin and her legs stopped jumping-popping. Try that to see if it might help but I would really get the spooky2 and set up that protocol.

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Forgive me, I am sleep deprived. How does Spooky2 counter ELF deliberate attacks? When I lay down to sleep and don’t move for a few minutes, it feel it ramp up. My body begins to vibrate, my feet pop, throb and go numb, one of my kidneys has mild pain and my heart races. My body can heal, but not without sleep. I’m looking for a solution, because without sleep, I don’t have a means to support myself. I can afford a Spooky2, but my resources will run out in a few months.

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Maybe there is something else wrong. These symptoms sound like a b12 deficiency and restless leg syndrome. Don't trust a blood test of serum b12, it gives false information. You have to go by MCV (mean corpuscular volume) only. If high, your body is screaming for b12. I can help you with that.

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Your Spooky2 program recommendations have put a HUGE dent in my recovery, Paulette. Are you familiar with Spooky2 Central/Plasma? I was wondering what preset shell you would use with Plasma. For now, I'm using MW remove ... I can't even begin to explain what these programs are doing for my healing! Thank You, Paulette!


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I don't have the central/plasma. It is on my list of wants though. I am so glad it's working for you. Take care.

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It's a game changer - I'm happy to share.

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which spooky 2 model do you recommend? I currently have a BCX ULTRA that I would love to use instead of investing in another RIFE:)

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To keep costs down and it works well, I recommend this one.


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Great to hear you have had success Paulette. I'm amazed at the short amount of time it takes to clear the blood. Did you say 5 days in your response on Karl's recent post? One would assume then it's entirely possible to keep it clear all the time if the programmes are running continuously. I read some where today that the tech is carried through the body in the lymphatic system. Is that anything you can comment on? ie not something we can measure or is that even true? Thank you for the update :-)

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I use remote method. It is my understanding from one of the experts of spooky2, the information field is shared across all entangled DNA instantly including any DNA that's in the lymphatic fluid.

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Of course! Makes perfect sense. Hard to see the wood for the trees sometimes with everything here. Really appreciate your answer.

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Hi Paulette. When I run these frequencies on "Remote" in Spooky2, should I indicate "KillIng" or "Removing"? Or is there another option which would be better? Thank you!

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What works well for me is Universal Square H-Bomb. takes care of both...

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Yes that is what I am using on the hydrogel.

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What did you mean with that you using on the hydrogel?Sorry my english is not so well.Did you have a sucess to take out hydrogel just with hearing frequencies?

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Yes, I have had success in keeping my blood clear. Hydrogel is the name I applied to all the programs listed. It's not hearing frequencies, but applying them to my DNA.

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So it appears that, universally, the square wave is the thing for disruption, oui?

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Yes, I am using the universal square bomb, under the remote choices.

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Thank you Paulette for sharing this information. I just became a paid subscriber to thank you for your work.

I am unjabbed but I need some dental work and I am hoping this will help detox the dental anesthetic. I already have a GenX and Scalar device so I can start right away. For my remote sample, I have seen better results using a blood spot that I change out every 5 days or so, and I don't really like clipping my nails.

On a separate topic.....what do you think of Dr. Jack Kruse's recommendation to sleep on a Magnetico pad ? If I get that I will have to move my Spooky2 Scalar to another room.

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I have a patient who used magnets, and they ended up with a full body rash. Almost like the quantum dots were coming out of the skin.

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That is interesting Paulette. Dr. Kruse says that the Magnetico pad enhances detoxification in the liver because of improved redox potential.

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nano poison!!

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Hi Paulette, I know you are using the Spooky2, but do you know the actual frequencies of each of these items you are running? I am using a GB4000 rife with plasma tube. I'd love to recreate this program in my unit, which I can do if I have the actual frequencies. Do you have a carrier frequency in your Spooky2? I can set the carrier frequency accordingly in the GB4000. I am so relieved to see your post, since so many LBA folks are denouncing rife machines because they think they are potentiating nano-tech. Do you have any thoughts on that?

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My post, You asked and here they are lists all the frequencies.

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Thank you for this!

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Thank you, Paulette. I couldn't locate blood plasma purification but otherwise, I have all of these frequencies running for both my better half and myself. There's nothing like being proactive.

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the blood plasma is listed under . programs, blood plasm purification. No "A" on plasm

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Ah, got it. Thanks again!

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Based on your rife recommendation and proof of concept via blood analysis, I finally got the Spooky2 remote and started to paly around with it. It always looked like voodoo science and I thought it was more placebo, but based on testimonials maybe not!? I am still not 100% convinced that it is not placebo, but who cares, as long as it works! BTW I couldn't find blood plasma purification, but it is under purification of blood and plasma. Spooky word searches care about the order. I look forward in seeing your future posts. I have been running a remote detox/cancer protocol on someone but she still has a lump on her neck. It's been about 2 weeks now, not sure if I should get a central plasma, but I would hate to spend 3 grand without better proof from a remote.

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Cancer is a tricky one, they have to change their lifestyle, get off all pharmaceuticals, etc. Run Terrain and parasites, try that.

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Yes you are correct, she did stop smoking and drinking and is off of sugar. She was diagnosed last year and we did not do the conventional treatments because the prognosis was horrible! We did do high dose vitamin C, ozone, infrared, hyperbaric oxygen, and now rife. We did 2 days of terrain but we both felt weird, so I alternate the detox with healing and also good sleep, which she needs. Thankfully we never got on any pharmaceuticals or any vaccines, and hopefully we never will. Thanks for your encouragement, I will keep following you. We need to keep exchanging info in these days of censorship and regulatory capture.

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