Jul 22Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Thank you Paulette. I think fear like love has many dimesions to it. If fear is used as a means to prepare for the future, then it becomes a positive thing. Fear in terms of cowardice is different again. Similarly Love. Some people love negativity, its still an experience of love. Thus, to say fear makes one dumber is too simplistic. So, what is intelligence? Who is more intelligent, the animals that ran into the hills during the Sumatera Tsunami of 2004 or the humans who went onto the beach to collect fish? I can use fear to prepare intelligently for whats coming....i leave it here for further thought.

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I love your comment. Thanks so much

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Jul 22Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM


I am on the same page with you, as I have felt for quite awhile now, that the true solution to all this, is LOVE. I look at God as Love. I feel that God is one energy, and not attached to any one religion. God (Love) resides in all of us, and expresses through our given intuition and our hearts. Fear and hate, which are so prevalent in our world right now, are the opposites of love. One evening when I was at a park just before dark, I said to my friend that Love was the answer to the problems of humanity. I suddenly turned around, and above me in the dark sky were a pair of lights that looked like eyes, and were sparkling white and gold, seemingly looking right at me. I knew it was Love(God) looking at me, confirming what was said, that LOVE was what we need to heal this planet and ourselves. When that love begins, we will let go of hate, fear, ego, lying, greed, and much more! I learned that when there is an event that really touches our heart, and we cry, the love that is God becomes active!!!!

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Tera, Thanks so much for sharing that with me. I love those moments when God reveals Love to us. thanks again.

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Jul 22Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Your post is life-giving and so appreciated. Thank you!

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thank you so much.

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Paulette, God bless you for this all important reminder!

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Jul 23Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

I am so glad you chose this subject to write on. It was a blessing to me and I am sure to others.

Thank you.

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Jul 23Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Mediative Mind,

Beautiful Piano Music @ 432hz.


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Sep 11Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Thank you for this reminder.

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