Jun 19Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Thanks so much! I have two spookys and my wife has one thanks to your willingness to share with us the details of your treatments.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Where’d you buy yours? Sorry if this has been posted already

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Here is a link to be able to buy it.


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Jun 22Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Wow interesting and affordable! Thanks for the link I will explore…

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Jun 19Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Hello, Dr. Paulette Coates, ND, DNM;

Thank you for sharing the frequencies you use. Please mention the purposes, is it Detox Chemtrails/Lymph/GO etc. from your Mar 14, 2024 post or something else? Thanks.

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Everything in the list of programs in the "Recent Dilemma..." post were created by research that others had found, Dr. Ana, Clifford Carnicom, Dr. David , etc. The chemtrails were added from watching, https://geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Jun 24Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Hi Paulette - I have 7 generators, one solely dedicated to what you outlined in the "Recent Dilemma" post. Can you tell me the names of the Chemtrail programs you use? I still don't know how to select individual frequencies to create my own program. 😒

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the chem trail programs are under the Detox programs

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Jun 24Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Hello, Dr. Paulette Coates, ND, DNM;

Thank you for the reply.

1. Please correct me if I am wrong. To address - you use ‘Remote’>’Universal square H-Bomb’ & to check - LBA if it is helpful.

2. I understand we all are different but for so-called average person to get the result you run ‘Remote’ 24 hours for one week or 12 hours a day for two weeks. Can you mention roughly how many hours a day and for how long seems reasonable.


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from the home screen of spooky2, Empty Shell > Remote>universal square bomb. Then pick your programs, save them into one program and lower the dwell to 100. Then in the control tab, overwrite generator and start.

Sometimes I run it not stop for over a week and then look at my blood. I will take a couple of days off and then start it again.

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Jun 25Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Hello, Dr. Paulette Coates, ND, DNM;

Thank you for the reply.

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Jun 26Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

hello Paula and friends- this part of healing is very new to me- is getting these frequencies off YouTube even possible? There is a spooky2 channel with frequencies to listen to- good?bad? waste of time?

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I don't think that will work but honestly not to sure.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

What substances are these frequencies to?

You’re gonna have to remove “it can’t hurt you” It can… if you run a substance you’re allergic to. I found this out the hard way a few times. Found out I was allergic to some things I didn’t even know I was allergic to, too

Case in point: I ran a lung tonic that uses frequencies of botanicals. It didn’t say what botanicals though. But evidently it had one(s) I was allergic to in it. I also ran “nanobacteria” frequencies and found out I’m allergic to those too. Which has also lead me to believe nanobacteria’s are what people are also shedding from jabs. I get massive skin rashes when I get shed on by these people. And it’s not just the people that took the C29 bioweapon injections now, but it’s being put in regular “vaccines” and injectable medicines too. It’s become so bad for me that I can no longer be in public places. 😞

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I was only talking about frequencies related to pathogens. But I appreciate your comment so much. thanks

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM


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These frequencies are used to break up clots and help cope with the after effects of COVID, and exposure those injected with the mRNA "Vaccine".

Natural Viruses are already Nano, and "Sars-2 Cov-19" ( Covid-19) is anything but natural, both the "vaccine" and the Original virus contain genetically modified DNA and RNA. People who have been "vaccinated" produce spike protein for at least 15 months ( maybe more) and cause all sorts of issues to the non-vaccinated. You sound like you have auto-immune issues and could benefit form codes that address that.

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I am one of those people who is being BADLY harmed by the shedding. It has gotten worse and worse with every exposure for the last two years. The contamination picked up real bad back in February to the point I can’t be around people anymore. I believe it’s due to the same crap being put in regular vaccines and injectable medicines now. I can confirm it’s in insulin, as a friend of mine didn’t take the jab, but was given insulin in the hospital. It took about 5.5 months for him to become contaminated and shed/transmit. They’re also putting it in Botox injections. Have a friend get them in her face (🤦🏼‍♀️) back in January. By April she was contaminated and shedding. Only her shedding came with a bonus transmission of what I can only assume was Botulinum, which is what the injection of Botox is made from. It was bad enough that my T1 immune system shut down my T2 immune system for two to three weeks, where all I did was sleep most of the time (like with the cold or flu) and I lost about 15lbs.

Yes, I have autoimmune conditions. Allergies, allergic asthma and COPD.. which I believe were caused by vaccines. Had eczema as a kid (I’m 60 now) up until 15 years ago when I learned about detoxing heavy metals, chemicals and changing my diet. I also learned living in places with mold was also a contributing factor.

I too have a Spooky2 generator now thanks to Paulette. I thought it was thousand of dollars to get the whole thing. Which I couldn’t afford. But when she said all one needed was the generator and remote that was only $200, I got the traveler kit for a little over $300. 😁 I’ve ran all the respiratory frequencies and cleanse, as well as the immune balances. I hardly ever have to use my nebulizer anymore, and I’ve cut my inhaler use in half.

I’ve ran what a friend of mine and I have dubbed “Paulette’s list” many of times many of times. But up until a series of events two months ago, that has led me to believe there is a stealth bacteria component to the shedding. the last time I ran it I had a skin reaction (which is what happens to me with the shedding/transmission) and I figured out it was the Morgellons program within in custom list. I created another list without it and it’s fine now.

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hi- how did you know your friend was shedding? thank you

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Anything is possible. I don't discount there is some extra ingredient that has yet to be exposed.

I was using a nebulizer with Hydrogen Peroxide a month ago, got COVID-19 yet again...along with Spooky and Ivermectin...my toes turned blue ( again), but I got over it within a week. Back when COVID was raging, My nurse mother and I kept my father OUT of the hospital using a Nebulizer.

Also keep in mind both SARS2 -Cov 19, and the shot both lower the immune system, and there is a stealth war on right now between the major powers... So with a population that has lowered immunity, more pathogens will circulate faster. ( some possibly lab created or modified).

Yes the shedding effects have been much worse for me as well. A few years ago a day or two of Ivermection ( liquid) orally was all I needed. While it's more rare for me to get these reactions due to less people getting the shot in the last 1.5 years, when it does happen, it's much much worse.

I think some major issues started when I had some dental work, since then I have had leg pains and edema. So while I can be critical of some pictures, I do believe there is something not right with many injections right now.

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Paulette, I get so little interaction with my posts on the Spooky2 forum, regarding the nanotechnology that it’s almost, well, “Spooky”.

I posted the Dr. Ana’s lanthanides finding there and got crickets. I also got brave and posted about Klaus Vella’s hypothesis that the nano is from off world.

Again, crickets.

Do they only want to focus on sunshine and rainbows?

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

I don't use social media but do understand the Spooky2 facebook group may help.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

Leon, here is a group on Telegram that have some VERY knowledgeable people in it that are happy to help people


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Thank you so much!

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Theresa; Thanks for the link.

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Their was/is a thread on the spooky forum on rubbery clots in the un-injected / non vaxxed.

Sorry, but as soon as you start talking about Aliens, you show massive disinformation programming. Not everyone who pretends to help is your "friend".

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I believe that you are the one suffering from massive disinformation programming. Ignore the alien/off world/demonic component of the nanotech at your own peril.

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Ha, OK , Ma'am.

I used to listen to Art Bell, then they put total wack jobs in his place after crushing him. It's one thing to keep an open mind, another to believe .gov Propaganda.

The US ( and others) have lot's of secret tech, built on years of research that is not easily available to the public.

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Jun 19Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

That was one of my questions in the past as well. My first guess was going to be mega, for mega hertz.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

I asked co-pilot and he said it was m for megahertz.

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No it is a function in spooky to convert the molecular weight.

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Jun 19Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

I don't understand what the M in front of some of the frequencies is for?

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

It's a molecular weight frequency. The related Spooky2 program addresses those within the removal program

Go to Spooky2.com and download the free software. In the download is a 250 page .pdf (Spooky2 Users Guide) explaining functionality of the equipment along with modes of applying frequencies and background frequency info.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

The reeason why I ask is because I have plasma tube device I got from Resonant Light Technologies years ago that lets me program in frequencies and set up my own programs. I'm trying to figure out how to load a frequency that starts with an M. Do I just use the frequency that follows the M? Thanks for any insight here.

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Jun 20Liked by Paulette Coates, ND, DNM

The "M" is a function of the Spooky software., the numbers following are the substance(s) molecular weight. The M applies a formula to the following numbers. See page 73-74 of section "Create Program" of the Users Guide. I believe this functionality is unique to Spooky.

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Paulette, can you confirm your darkfield blood microscopic analysis is remaining clean? I appreciate all you do and know many others do too!

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