In good dark field I could see extremely the extremely dense lawns of colloidal particles with more nano particles floating. After a short while the larger artifacts form more so as you have pictured. Nice effort. David Nixon had some friends taking prescribed eye drops, she began getting migraines and poor vision with odd pains. They took the drops to David and he zoomed me with them present, the visuals were absolutely shocking. Nothing should be in these drops. All labelled contents are soluble in solution. It was extremely clear that these drops were also soiled.

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Most people use their pots without proper cleaning in between use. I have read published literature that states that sinus infections can be started by these pots.

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Maybe put the netti pot in boiling water? cool and use immediately with one owne's mix ( after cooling as well), should be OK.

IN any case I had a TERRIBLE sinus infection from a endoscope put up my nose by a regular doctor (Otolaryngologist) , obviously not properly cleaned ( Yuck).

I had a Netti Pot, painful as H#ll, but it works.

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Yes, I don't recommend them either. thanks

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HI Paulette

I agree. It seems we are coming to the alarm point where appropriate suspicion and discernment are necessary to protect our bodies. The Microscopy pictures you displayed that revealed self assembly forms were virtually identical to various other Substack member's Dark Field blood forms. Contamination can be from many things, but when certain forms are seen in the blood, and then in other venues, we know there is a true issue beyond concern.

Too much is now becoming chemically contaminated. We even have it in eye drops. There were eye drops from China, that, last year, were so contaminated that various people had serious infections, as well as blindness. The FDA put out a warning that many eye drop producers in the U.S. had unsterile factory conditions. I have an unopened bottle of eye drops and saline that I will check to see what the microscope provides as to contamination, and as to whether there are similar fragments in them as are in our blood. I will report back.

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Could some of them be salt crystals reforming? I am no expert in Microscopy, the last time I looked into a Darkfield Microscope was in 2014 in Mexico. Just offering a suggestion.

BTW, I have been using some of the suggested codes and it's been helping my wife....hoping it will help me as well...still use "Blood Purification ( Bio) and "Immune System Activate ( Bio)" as well, as I have been for the last 7 months.

I will be honest the "snake venom" in the code name was a big "turn off" for me, so I never tried it until now. This thing was made by "Big Science" ( .gov) , and it would have been more helpful if they used more scientific terms even if we are not 100% Sure exactly what it is....

I had dental work, as did my wife...and that's when I think the more serious problems started, so I DO believe the pathogens are in more than just Covid Shots. And we are sensitive to shedding. A few years ago my Rickettsia doctor told me that the Injections created a whole new set of pathogens..

Using A) Human Adeno virus, B) Simian Adeno virus, and C) mRNA in various cocktails means this would affect the non-vaccinated such as ourselves.

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When saline solution has the self-assembling chips, then it's safe to say all injections are a no-go zone.

I'm linking these chips to the Bluetooth MAC phenomenon. So far that link holds up.

The MAC phenomenon, if you don't know about it, definitely check it out. It is the biggest real news story there is. On my channel or elsewhere.

Thanks Paulette.

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Paulette try a formulating RpH and see what 0.9 looks like fresh then let it sit to see how long it takes to start growing things. It's a good experiment. After it shows something inject 60 cc's of Ozone at 82 ugs/cc. Then shake it up and let it sit let's say for 15 minutes and put some on a slide again and see if anything shows up.

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I appreciate your help. I have a full Naturopathic practice. I do the best I can with what little time frame I have.

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I totally understand. I'm sure that you can get help on the saline question.

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As for slides none of these are sterile but can be purchased as precleaned. So as for your great pictures are they all from sinus cavities?

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No, these are of the saline solution on a microscope slide.

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Thank you

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Karl, Paulette tested Spooky2 rife & it worked for her!! Have you tested the rife against this technology? https://open.substack.com/pub/paulettecoatesnaturopath/p/frequency-treatments-clear-the-blood?r=gzb1o&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Thank you for exposing this!

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